Lesson 1: Introduction to Information and Communication and Technologies

Lesson 1: Introduction to Information and Communication and Technologies

               In our first lesson in Empowerment Technologies, we had an assignment regarding to the differences between Web 1.0, Web2.0, and Web 3.0. We define the ICT, Information and Communication Technology, it deals with the usage of technologies in terms of communicating. We had an activity where we are required to make a poster that shows how we understand the term ICT. While defining the differences of Web 1.0, Web 2.0, and Web 3.0, we also knew their own features.

              Our first activity is to make aposter that shows how we understand the term ICT and what we knew about that subject. The image below is our finish output of a poster about Information and Communication in Technologies. As you can see, the images drawn to the manila paper has a connection to the subject like media and devices
